
数控切管机操作规程详解及注意事项-行业动态-万通智能装备 (苏州) 有限公司

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1. 首先,确保数控切管机的工作环境符合设备的要求:洁净、宽敞、明亮、通风良好。

2. 启动设备并等待设备自检程序完成。

3. 通过垂直调节盘来确保刀轮的安全距离。

4. 将待加工的管材放置在切管机上,用气动夹紧装置夹紧管材。

5. 根据要求设定切割参数。

6. 点击启动按钮,开始切割。

7. 操作人员需要时刻注意设备的运行状态,及时处理异常情况。

8. 切割完成后,关闭设备并对设备进行清洁和维护。



1. 操作人员必须按照有关规定进行安全操作,避免发生意外。

2. 在切割管材过程中,必须佩戴好防护用品,避免金属切屑伤及眼睛及皮肤。

3. 正确的管材夹紧可以确保切割精度及安全性,应经常检查夹紧装置的状态。

4. 操作人员需要熟知设备的电气和气动控制系统,及时发现电气故障和气动故障。

5. 切割管材时,需要注意管材的位置和角度,防止出现管材卡死或错位的现象。

Numbers control cutting machines have been an essential tool for cutting pipes accurately and efficiently. This article outlines the operating procedures and precautions that users need to keep in mind to ensure efficiency, safety, and durability of machines.

Machine Component and Functionality

Automated cutting machines come with various components that include a feeding unit, cutting blade, control system, and worktable. The feeding unit helps in pushing the pipe at a consistent speed while the cutter slices the material to required lengths. The control system makes it possible to regulate the speed, size, number of cuts, and other parameters. The worktable provides support, stability, and security during the cutting process.

Operating Procedures

When starting the machine, make sure that all attachments and components are in good working condition, and correctly installed. Ensure that the material to be cut is properly aligned with the feeding unit to avoid slippage, errors, and waste of resources. Set the appropriate speed to maintain consistency and accuracy during the cutting process. After cutting, clean the workspace and ensure that the blade is clean, sharp, and ready for upcoming projects.

Safety Precautions

As with most machines, handling cutting equipment requires caution and vigilance. Ensure that the machine is turned off when making adjustments or changes to components to avoid injuries. When operating the machine, always use protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and earplugs to prevent accidents and long-term damage. You should also avoid overloading the machine or exceeding the recommended speed, as this could lead to premature wear and damage.

Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure that the machine operates optimally and lasts longer. Routine maintenance includes cleaning the machine after use, removing any debris or dust from the blades and components, lubricating the moving parts, and checking the electrical system for any signs of damage or malfunction. Regular servicing and replacement of parts enhance durability and reliability, making the equipment more cost-effective in the long run.


Automating pipe cutting operations has revolutionized pipe fitting and fabrication alike, allowing for better precision, consistency, and safety. Operating an automated cutting machine requires technical expertise, care, and attention to detail to maximize its benefits. By carefully following the guidelines and tips listed above, users can ensure seamless operations and avoid unnecessary risks.

